


Registration can be made online at our webinar page in the PetroTeach website via the Registration Form or by contacting customer service After registration, an email will be sent to inform of confirming the webinar.


PetroTeach webinars are FREE of CHARGE and no payments are required to attend the webinars.

  • Holding the participant contact information

PetroTeach is committed to all local and global data frameworks to protect the data privacy of its customers. Information about Registrants, webinars Attendees are received for to provide products and services that are delivered and without them, PatroTeach may not be able to proceed with plan and run webinars. The collected information by the PetroTeach through the webinar registration forms may be used to perform a variety of purposes, including to: (1) communication with Participants/ Registrants during the webinar process starts from registration to the end, (2) to request to evaluate the webinar qualities and the instructors, and (3) to update Participants on news and upcoming training courses, workshops, and new relevant technologies , and (4) to improve our services and optimise marketing. PetroTeach reserves the right without any charge to use the media information (video, images, etc,) to publish in its YouTube channel or other commercial materials.

  • COPY Right and Material Property  

These webinars and later provided materials and the information contained are directed to or intended for only for the general education and training purpose. The information presented on PetroTeach webinars are collected, maintained, and provided purely for the convenience of the reader. We have made every attempt to ensure that the information contained in provided material has been obtained from reliable sources and PetroTeach is not responsible for any errors, decisions, or omissions of the information. It should not be relied upon for any specific purpose and no representation or warranty is given for its accuracy or completeness. By accessing webinar material, you agree that PetroTeach will not be liable for any loss incurred due to the use of the information and the material contained. The copyright for these webinars resources and materials are solely belongs to the PetroTeach and Its Instructors. Any access to it by the public does not imply free license to any company/organization to use it for any commercial education and projects unless it is inquired permission from Petro Teach.

  • Cancelation Terms

PetroTeach may decide to cancel the webinar at the scheduled any time upon the condition that is not feasible to run the session. Registrants will receive formal notice two days before the webinar starts. Petro Teach will update the Registrants for the new webinar dates.


Since the policy of PetroTeach is to provide the free webinars, at the moment, a Completion Certificate is NOT awarded to Participants who have attended the webinars.

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